pp108 : filter Property

filter Property

String that specifies the characters that are allowed or not allowed in the field.


HTML <ELEMENT id=elementID fieldType=sType filter=sFilter...>...</ELEMENT>
Scripting elementID.filter [ =sFilter ]


Parameter Description
sFilter String that denotes the filter that is set on the field, to allow or disallow a set of characters.


Thefilterattribute set for any field should follow the regular expression syntax properly. Following are the standard filters that can be set for certain field types.

date [\w +-/|]
floats and amounts [0-9.,+-]. For this case,signedshould be true.
integer [0-9+-]. For this case,signedshould be true.


The following example shows how the filter property can be used.

//validate definition inside the BODY
<div cordysType="wcp.library.util.Validate" id="validate" ></div>
//Restrict entering even numbers and permit only odd numbers
<input type="text" fieldType="integer" filter="[^24680]">
//Restrict entering special characters like ~, !, @, #, $, % etc.,
<input type="text" fieldType="text" filter="[^;'~!@#$%^&amp;*]">
//The filter above can also be replaced with this filter
<input type="text" fieldType="text" filter="[A-Za-z0-9 .,]">

See Also

validate, signed